Adding servers to a Kafka cluster is easy, just assign them a unique
broker id and start up Kafka on your new servers. However these new
servers will not automatically be assigned any data partitions, so
unless partitions are moved to them they won't be doing any work until
new topics are created. So usually when you add machines to your cluster
you will want to migrate some existing data to these machines.
增加新服务到kafka集群是很容易的,只要为新服务分配一个独一无二的Broker ID并启动即可。但是,新的服务不会自动分配到任何数据,需要把分区数据迁移给它们,在此期间它们一直不工作,直到新的topic创建,所以,通常向集群添加机器时,你需要将一些现有的数据迁移到这些机器上。
The process of migrating data is manually initiated but fully automated.
Under the covers what happens is that Kafka will add the new server as a
follower of the partition it is migrating and allow it to fully
replicate the existing data in that partition. When the new server has
fully replicated the contents of this partition and joined the in-sync
replica one of the existing replicas will delete their partition's data.
The partition reassignment tool can be used to move partitions across
brokers. An ideal partition distribution would ensure even data load and
partition sizes across all brokers. In 0.8.1, the partition
reassignment tool does not have the capability to automatically study
the data distribution in a Kafka cluster and move partitions around to
attain an even load distribution. As such, the admin has to figure out
which topics or partitions should be moved around.
The partition reassignment tool can run in 3 mutually exclusive modes -
分区分配工具的3种模式 -
The partition reassignment tool can be used to move some topics off of
the current set of brokers to the newly added brokers. This is typically
useful while expanding an existing cluster since it is easier to move
entire topics to the new set of brokers, than moving one partition at a
time. When used to do this, the user should provide a list of topics
that should be moved to the new set of brokers and a target list of new
brokers. The tool then evenly distributes all partitions for the given
list of topics across the new set of brokers. During this move, the
replication factor of the topic is kept constant. Effectively the
replicas for all partitions for the input list of topics are moved from
the old set of brokers to the newly added brokers.
For instance, the following example will move all partitions for topics
foo1,foo2 to the new set of brokers 5,6. At the end of this move, all
partitions for topics foo1 and foo2 will only exist on brokers 5,6
例如,下面的例子将主题foo1,foo2的所有分区移动到新的broker 5,6。移动结束后,主题foo1和foo2所有的分区都会只会在broker 5,6。
Since, the tool accepts the input list of topics as a json file, you
first need to identify the topics you want to move and create the json
file as follows-
> cat topics-to-move.json {"topics": [{"topic": "foo1"}, {"topic": "foo2"}], "version":1 }
Once the json file is ready, use the partition reassignment tool to generate a candidate assignment-
一旦json准备好,使用分区重新分配工具生成一个“候选人”分配规则 -
> bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topics-to-move-json-file topics-to-move.json --broker-list "5,6" --generate Current partition replica assignment {"version":1, "partitions":[{"topic":"foo1","partition":2,"replicas":[1,2]}, {"topic":"foo1","partition":0,"replicas":[3,4]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":2,"replicas":[1,2]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":0,"replicas":[3,4]}, {"topic":"foo1","partition":1,"replicas":[2,3]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":1,"replicas":[2,3]}] } Proposed partition reassignment configuration {"version":1, "partitions":[{"topic":"foo1","partition":2,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo1","partition":0,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":2,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":0,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo1","partition":1,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":1,"replicas":[5,6]}] }
The tool generates a candidate assignment that will move all partitions
from topics foo1,foo2 to brokers 5,6. Note, however, that at this point,
the partition movement has not started, it merely tells you the current
assignment and the proposed new assignment. The current assignment
should be saved in case you want to rollback to it. The new assignment
should be saved in a json file (e.g. expand-cluster-reassignment.json)
to be input to the tool with the --execute option as follows-
生成从主题foo1,foo2迁移所有的分区到broker 5,6的候选人分配规则。注意,这个时候,迁移还没有开始,它只是告诉你当前分配和新的分配规则,当前分配规则用来回滚,新的分配规则保存在json文件(例如,我保存在 expand-cluster-reassignment.json这个文件下)然后,用--execute选项来执行它。
> bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --reassignment-json-file expand-cluster-reassignment.json --execute Current partition replica assignment {"version":1, "partitions":[{"topic":"foo1","partition":2,"replicas":[1,2]}, {"topic":"foo1","partition":0,"replicas":[3,4]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":2,"replicas":[1,2]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":0,"replicas":[3,4]}, {"topic":"foo1","partition":1,"replicas":[2,3]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":1,"replicas":[2,3]}] } Save this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback Successfully started reassignment of partitions {"version":1, "partitions":[{"topic":"foo1","partition":2,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo1","partition":0,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":2,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":0,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo1","partition":1,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":1,"replicas":[5,6]}] }
Finally, the --verify option can be used with the tool to check the status of the partition reassignment. Note that the same expand-cluster-reassignment.json (used with the --execute option) should be used with the --verify option
最后,--verify 选项用来检查parition重新分配的状态,注意, expand-cluster-reassignment.json(与--execute选项使用的相同)和--verify选项一起使用。
> bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --reassignment-json-file expand-cluster-reassignment.json --verify Status of partition reassignment: Reassignment of partition [foo1,0] completed successfully Reassignment of partition [foo1,1] is in progress Reassignment of partition [foo1,2] is in progress Reassignment of partition [foo2,0] completed successfully Reassignment of partition [foo2,1] completed successfully Reassignment of partition [foo2,2] completed successfully
For instance, the following example moves partition 0 of topic foo1 to brokers 5,6 and partition 1 of topic foo2 to brokers 2,3
例如,下面的例子是移动主题foo1的分区0到brokers 5,6 和主题foo2的分区1到broker 2,3。
The first step is to hand craft the custom reassignment plan in a json file-
第一步是,手工写一个自定义的分配计划到json文件中 -
> cat custom-reassignment.json {"version":1,"partitions":[{"topic":"foo1","partition":0,"replicas":[5,6]},{"topic":"foo2","partition":1,"replicas":[2,3]}]}
Then, use the json file with the --execute option to start the reassignment process-
然后,--execute 选项执行分配处理 -
> bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --reassignment-json-file custom-reassignment.json --execute Current partition replica assignment {"version":1, "partitions":[{"topic":"foo1","partition":0,"replicas":[1,2]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":1,"replicas":[3,4]}] } Save this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback Successfully started reassignment of partitions {"version":1, "partitions":[{"topic":"foo1","partition":0,"replicas":[5,6]}, {"topic":"foo2","partition":1,"replicas":[2,3]}] }
The --verify option can be used with the tool to check the status of the partition reassignment. Note that the same expand-cluster-reassignment.json (used with the --execute option) should be used with the --verify option
最后使用--verify 验证。
bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --reassignment-json-file custom-reassignment.json --verify Status of partition reassignment: Reassignment of partition [foo1,0] completed successfully Reassignment of partition [foo2,1] completed successfully